Sunday, September 18, 2011

Michele Bachmann

 To start I must first be honest. I, like many of my peers do not watch the news on a regular, nor do I read the newspaper. Most days I find things out by word of mouth, or the quick blurbs I see when I sign into my email, having them to occasionally peak my interest enough to read the article. Currently, I am taking a course called “Road to the Whitehouse”,  in hopes that it will force me to become more aware of the world around me.  I feel that this needs to be said because a lack of the youth’s interest in the election, is a major obstacle all of the candidates must face. In addition, because I am new to the race I will start with the fundamentals. Who the candidates are and what they are about, this is the most important thing I could learn from them because everything else they do, say, fight for, or pass, will be a reflection of who they are and what they believe.
 Getting to know

Michele Bachmann 

Who is she? Where is she from? What does she want?

She is Michele Bachmann

She is from Stillwater, Minnesota

And she wants to be our next president raves that she is a leading advocate for tax reform, a staunch opponent of wasteful government spending, and a strong proponent of adherence to the Constitution.Additionally, she believes government has grown ridiculously under Obamacare. Michele wants government to make serious spending decisions that many families and small businesses have been forced to make. She a champion of free markets, believes in the vitality of the family as the first unit of government. She is also a defender of the unborn and staunchly stands for religious liberties.

Assessing Bachmann’s Chances

According to nytimes 
Background She was elected to Congress in 2006, and drew national attention in 2008, when said in tv interview that Barack Obama, (a candidate for president at the time), “may have anti-American views.” Since then she has expanded her biting condemnations of Democrats — and of tax increases, the health care law, and big government and its spending to cable news. Consistently conservative on social issues, Mrs. Bachmann also founded a Tea Party caucus in Congress.

Challenges Bachmanns credibility with the Tea Party movement may be her biggest asset, and her biggest hindrance in attracting voters in the Republican primary. For example, her attempt to seek a House leadership position after the Tea Party movement made strong gains in the 2010 midterm elections failed when she attracted little support.

For more information go to her website:

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