Sunday, September 25, 2011

Republican's Secret Weapon

Cain Wins Flordia Straw Poll
Cain, the unexpected bomb, detonated his first wave of fire, when he the underdog in the race, beat both top runners for Florida’s straw poll. Turns out Herman Cain may be just what the Republicans need to beat Incumbent President Barack Obama in the 2012 general election.

Republicans voters just didn’t see the silver Cain’s nomination could bring to their horizon -- until Saturday's Florida straw poll.

They thought that perhaps Rick Perry would win; the man who talks a good talk, but sometimes stumbles when he tries to walk the walk. On the other hand, maybe Mitt Romney would take Florida; because he’s the opposite of Perry, in that he can walk the walk, but occasionally crumbles when he talks.

But like a great suspense movie Saturday’s results built up a quiet hum in the voters. On a muggy September day in Florida, when the ‘favorites’ were expected to steal the goal, the ‘long shot’ came and made the impossible shot, and scored. On the day, Perry’s win would have helped to solidified him as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee; Cain snuck up on him and stole the win.

In a speech before the Poll vote, Cain encouraged Florida's Republican delegates to disregard "the nasty rumor that Herman Cain can't win" and "send Washington a message," and they did when more than 37 percent of the 2,657 delegates showed their support for Cain.

Prior to the straw vote, Cain’s influence in the race had been so far below the radar that it seemed as if the Republican party hadn’t even known he was a participant. His lack of experience in holding a political office compiled with the thought that an African-American wouldn’t have a snowballs chance in a microwave at achieving the Republican nomination made him too much of a risk to consider.
But what if they were mistaken? Maybe Cain’s lack of political experience is the perfect disguise, to have him swim below the surface, and win in the final seconds of the game. His victory in Florida proved that his strategy worked and might be the ticket to winning the nomination. An insider’s looks reveals that he has the potential to beat Obama, America's first African American president, in the 2012 general election.
While, Cain has his biggest negative being that he has never held elected office before, he has his postives:
  • ·         He’s  anchored several offices in a leadership role.
  • ·         He was the CEO of Godfather's, the pizza chain.
  • ·         He was a successful and respected CEO at Pillsbury.
  • ·         He served as the Federal Reserve Bank Chairman in Kansas City.
  • ·         He was president of the National Restaurant Association.
According to International Business Times, "Cain has proven to be a leader, with economic sense and a consistent, strong economic voice, at a time when America desperately needs economic sense and a consistent, strong economic voice. They believe that he will appeal to many African-Americans, who typically vote Democrat but who are downtrodden in America's jobless, slow-growth economy."
While the Washington Post reports that "although Florida voters did not hold a straw poll in 2007, the previous three winners (Ronald Reagan 1979; George H.W. Bush, 1987; and Robert J. Dole, 1995), all went on to the Republican nomination, the Republicans here who backed Cain don’t believe he is likely to repeat that history."

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